"Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way,
but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few stones upon it."

Student Residence “Adolph Kolping”
Dellplatz 7, 47051 Duisburg.
Tel.: (0)203 - 20179
125 furnished rooms, monthly rent: ~+/- 185 € including internet, Cable TV, Telephone Connection
Hausverwaltung Langemann
Holteistr. 12 – 14, 47057 Duisburg.
Tel.: +49 (0)203 - 356602
Panorama View
Panorama View
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr:
Appartments at Duisburger Straße 451 and 480
Contact: Hausmeister
Monthly rent: ~ 220 €, 150 € one-time administration fee.
Berufsförderungszentrum Essen e.V.
Altessener Str. 80/84
45326 Essen.
Tel.: +49 (0)201 - 3204243
Other online web links:
Studenten WG, WG Gesucht, Immobilen Scout24, Zwischenmieter, Wohnung Jetzt, Mietwohnungen, Studenten Wohnung, Immobilo, PrivatImmobilien, Nestoria Duisburg, Nestoria Essen
All over the university there are notice boards where you can put or read different kind of ads. This is an excellent way to directly reach other students or private person who are looking for tenants.
1-Zimmer-Wohnung | One room apartment |
Altbau | Old building |
Badewanne | Bath tub |
Balkon | Balcony |
Dusche | Shower |
Einzugsdatum | Date when you move in your apartment or room |
EG Erdgeschoss | Ground floor |
Etage | Floor |
Gasheizung | Gas heating |
Gesamtmiete | See "Warmmiete" |
Kaution | Deposit Before you move in a new apartment or room you have to pay a deposit. The deposit usually amounts to twice or thrice "Kaltmiete". You get the deposit back after you move out unless you are responsible for damages done to the apartment or room. |
Keller | Basement |
KM OR Kaltmiete | Refers to the rent you pay for the use of the rooms. It does not refer to further costs such as water, heating, etc. |
Möbliert | Furnished: Usually an advertisement for a furnished apartment or room (you would receive a list of furniture that is included). |
NK Nebenkosten | Costs which you have to pay to your landlord in addition to the rent for room use ("Kaltmiete"). These costs usually include charges for water, waste, heating, etc. You pay the "Nebenkosten" on fixed monthly rate. However, at the end of each year your actual consumption of water, heating etc. will be accounted for. Depending on your consumption you may get money back or you need to make a supplementary payment. |
OG Obergeschoss | Upper floor |
Sonstige Kosten | Miscellaneous costs |
Unmöbliert | Unfurnished Most apartments or rooms are unfurnished. Please note that this is in most cases not explicitly mentioned in an advertisement. Unfurnished apartments neither include furniture nor kitchen facilities (oven, sink, etc.). |
WM Warmmiete | Refers to all the costs that you have to pay to your landlord ("Kaltmiete" + "Nebenkosten"). Before you sign a rental agreement you should check which costs are included in the "Nebenkosten". Usually you need to anticipate further costs for electricity, telephone and internet. |
Waschmaschine | Washing machine |
WBS Wohnberechtigungsschein | A voucher which authorises you to apply for a flat subsidised by the city |
WG Wohngemeinschaft | Flat sharing Living in a WG is usually cheaper than getting an own apartment and many students like to live in a WG for the company of their flat mates. However, you should note that there are different kinds of WGs. A WG can be a group of friends who decide to share a flat, but it is not unusual that students share a flat just for the sake of saving on the rent. Therefore it is not unusual that you can get a room in a WG even though you hardly know your flat mates. If you prefer a WG with friends, you might consider searching for an apartment with some of your study colleagues: |
Zentralheizung | Central heating |
Zimmergröße | Size of room |
ZKB Zwei Zimmer, Küche, Bad | Abbreviation for a two room flat. |
Zwischenmiete | Interim tenancy which is limited to a certain period. Many students advertise their room for an interim tenancy when they spend a semester abroad. |