Bachelor Program

The study in the program "International Studies in Engineering" (ISE) contains several Bachelor degree courses with a common structure for all disciplines in engineering sciences at the University Duisburg-Essen. The first year of studies in the Bachelor program is identical for most of the degree course offers. During the 1st year, the language of instruction for all Bachelor degree courses is 100% English. The overall language of instruction for each Bachelor degree course is 50% English and 50% German.
Most of the Bachelor degree courses in the ISE program follow the same basic structure as given in the figure below. The following Bachelor degree courses are offered:
for more detail please visit Bachelor Program.
Master Program

The study in the program "International Studies in Engineering" (ISE) contains several Master degree courses for all disciplines in engineering sciences at the University Duisburg-Essen. All disciplinary Master degree courses follow the structure given in the figure below and consist of core subjects, advanced theory subjects, profile subjects, electives and the master thesis. The mandatory core subjects are obligatory for all students and provide in-depth knowledge in the specific discipline. The elective core subjects specialize in a specific topic within this discipline. The electives and the topic of the master thesis can be chosen out of any discipline. The overall language of instruction for each Master degree course is 50% English and 50% German.
The following Master degree courses are offered:
- M.Sc. Automation and Control Engineering (M-ACE)
- M.Sc. Communications Engineering (M-ComE)
- M.Sc. Computational Mechanics (M-CM)
- M.Sc. Computer Engineering (M-CE)
- M.Sc. Embedded Systems Engineering (M-ESE)
- M.Sc. Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water (M-MTW3)
- M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (M-ME)
- M.Sc. Metallurgy and Metal Forming (M-MMF)
- M.Sc. Power Engineering (M-PE)