Health Insurance
ermany is one of the medically best provided for countries in the world. The health service is governmentally
subsidised and about 72 million people (i.e. almost 90% of the population) are insured through a statutory or private health insurance scheme. The statutory health insurance scheme covers the costs of treatment by a doctor or dentist, medicines, hospital treatment, and many other palliative and preventive measures. Everyone insured in statutory health insurance has to pay a basic charge on medicines and other items if he/she is not exempt from this additional charge. You can be exempted from these additional payments if your monthly income is below a certain level but you have to apply for this exemption when you sign your health insurance contract. This often applies to students; your health insurance scheme will advise you. In addition there are certain costs not covered in full, such as charges for dentures, orthodontic work, and spectacles where you merely receive a part-subsidy.
In private health insurance prices as well as benefits vary greatly. Since medical treatment in Germany is expensive we recommend covering more than just the basic minimum.
Students are eligible to statutory health insurance at the lowest monthly rate. Per term (6 months) you will pay ca. 350 EUR. This regulation does not apply to students who have spent more than 14 semesters studying any one subject and who are over the age of 30. After this you have to go to the health insurance’s office, bring your passport and student card and sign the insurance contract. The largest statutory insurance company is the “Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK)”. Offices of the AOK and the ”Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)” are situated near the UDE Duisburg Campus.
You need to join a German health insurance provider. Most providers offer reduced rates for students under the age of 30.
You will receive a health insurance card from your provider which you are obliged to bring to any consultation with a general practitioner/ doctor.
All students are required to provide proof of health insurance cover when matriculating & have to be covered by the compulsory health insurance scheme. if you want a private medical insurance then you can be covered by a private insurer. To do this, you must apply for the removal of the compulsory health insurance requirement within the first three months of your studies. This exemption is, however, permanent: it applies for the remainder of your studies irrespective how how many courses you take at the same time or back-to-back.
It is no longer possible to return to the relatively low cost required student insurance scheme!
Most private insurers offer special rates for students, but these still, as a rule, are higher than in the compulsory insurance scheme. Co-payment and prepayment of treatment fees are usual practices in private health insurance schemes. Sudden increases in rates are also possible. In addition to this, upon starting a family, all family members must pay contributions to the private insurance scheme; You cannot insure relatives on your policy for free.
The only way back into the compulsory health insurance scheme is to be required to take out this type of insurance as an employee. Whoever has been covered by compulsory health insurance as a required waged employee for the period of one year can apply to return to the compulsory health insurance scheme.
if you are ill then what to do ...
you have to contact with your nearest general doctor/practitioner (Allgemeinartz), the health card (chip or smartcard) must be presented.
Generally speaking, a fee of 10 € is to be paid quarterly when a dentist or a general practitioner is consulted. General practitioners and specialists may transfer patients to other specialists or physicians. In this case, no fee needs to be paid if the visit takes place in the same quarter of the year.
If a doctor prescribes medication, 1 per cent of the cost has to be paid by the patient: i.e. at least 5 € and up to 10 €, but no more than the actual cost of the drug or medication, must be paid.
Every insured person is expected to pay a certain amount towards medication and similar services, up to 2 per cent of the gross annual income:
the standard fee of 10 €
Additional payment for medication
Additional payment for hospital care
If over 2 per cent of the annual gross income has been paid, the patient may apply to the health insurance company for an exemption from further costs. For further information, the individual's health insurance company should be contacted.
Free choice of medical care is guaranteed for insured students. Details of physicians and medical specialists are available from Gelbe Seiten (standard brochure of advertisements).
How to get medical help when clinics are closed
Some useful information about how to get medical help when regular clinics are closed (e.g. at night, on the weekend or on public holidays etc.). A new number has been introduced since April 2012 which can be dialed toll free from landlines and mobiles throughout Germany. With this number, you can get advice, find out where an available doctor in your locality is or have a doctor visit you at home. The number is 116 117. For more info:
Payment can be made with your insurance card. Like usual, the first time in a quarter you call them and have a doctor visit you, you have to pay 10 €
AOK Rheinland/Hamburg
Geschäftsstelle Studentenservice
Lotharstr. 80
47057 Duisburg
Telefon: 0203 / 3 93 22 33
Telefax: 0203 / 37 24 288
Opening hours: 9 am – 2.00 pm (Monday to Friday)
TK – Techniker Krankenkasse
Mensa Foyer
(student restaurant in the M-area)
47057 Duisburg
Tel.: 0203 / 99 24 188
Opening hours: 10 am – 2.30 pm (Monday to Thursday);
10 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. (Fridays)
AOK Student Service
Segerothstr. 73
45141 Essen
Tel.: 0201/ 2011 670
Fax: 0201/ 31 35 98
Opening hours: 8 am – 4 pm, Monday to Friday
Private medical insurance providers.
more coming soon!
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