Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities that's training or instruction but is rather a making visible what is hidden as a seed... To be educated, a person doesn't have to know much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an engaged human life... One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated.
After a decision of the federal state government in 1960 the teacher training college of Kettwig was settled to Duisburg and was named Pedagogical University Ruhr. In 1972 the Pedagogical University Ruhr and the Public School of Engineering, which was renamed in 1971 to University of applied sciences Duisburg, where merged to the University of Duisburg. In 1994 the university was renamed to "Gerhard-Mercator-University". Through the merger of Universität Duisburg and Universität Essen in 2003.
Few people know that Duisburg is one of the oldest university towns in Germany. Duisburg’s first University was officially opened in 1655, but was dissolved in 1818 in favor of the newly founded university in Bonn. Now the Universität Duisburg-Essen is Germany’s youngest university, only a few decades later the university was in competition with the much better equipped dutch universities. Since only about one third of the population in the western provinces of Prussia were member of the reformed church, most Lutheran and Catholic citizens in the second half of the 18th century, sent their sons to other universities.
The university declined rapidly and was on 18 October 1818 due to a Cabinet Order of Friedrich Wilhelm III. officially lifted. At the same time, the University of Bonn was founded. Large parts of the Duisburg University Library were relocated to Bonn and then formed the basis of the newly formed Bonner Library. Also the sceptre of the University of Duisburg was given to the University of Bonn, and is available until today. In 1891 the Rheinisch-Westfälische Hüttenschule was settled from Bochum to Duisburg, which was later developed to the Königlich-Preußischen Maschinenbau- und Hüttenschule, and was renamed in 1938 to Public School of Engineering.

The university is situated in the central and western part of the Ruhr area and both campuses were founded in 1972. About 32,000 students are now enrolled in thirteen departments. A research staff of 3,000 academics and non-academics fuel this university. The spectrum of academic disciplines ranges from the humanities, social, economic and political sciences, to medical engineering, natural and life sciences, to the highly regarded art and design departments. Students from 120 different countries are enrolled at the university and provide a lively international community.
Universität Duisburg-Essen offers 47 undergraduate programs, 64 teacher–training programs, 13 graduate and 2 postgraduate programs. The “International Studies in Engineering” programs are taught in English and attract talented students from all over the world.
In the area of research Universität Duisburg-Essen has made a strategic decision to focus its resources on four major areas “Logistics and Transport”, “Nanosciences”, “Medical Biotechnology” and “Empirical research in Education and Pedagogy”. With various projects involving basic and applied research the university has made a name for itself extending far beyond national borders. Combined with close connections to affiliated institutes, companies and institutions, Universität Duisburg-Essen is an enjoyable place for study and research.
Faculty of Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering offers a wide spectrum of disciplinary (related to one department) as well as interdisciplinary (related to two or more departments) degree programs in attractive and innovative fields. This includes national as well as international degree courses, where the latter are partly taught in English and require to study one semester abroad.
The study plan (curriculum) lists all courses which the students have to pass in order to complete their degree course, including a recommendation on the semester arrangement of the courses (i.e. which course to take in which semester). The Faculty of Engineering organizes the study plan with a course database, which gives easy access to the content of the respective courses.
Detailed Schedules are provided each semester, that detail time and location of each course. The Examination Plan indicates the date, time and place of each examination.
In order to maintain a high level of teaching quality, the Faculty of Engineering evaluates its courses regularly. The participants in the lectures are asked to rate and comment their classes in the middle of each semester. Due to this early time, the lecturers are able to discuss the results with the students even before the end of the term.
The resulting synergy effects are extensive, and there is a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects. The faculty boasts nine main areas of research and teaching that are unmatched anywhere else in Germany. more detail...
The University Duisburg-Essen today has twelve faculties, listed below:
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Art and Design
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Mercator School of Management - Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Biology and Geography
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Medicine
The University Duisburg-Essen today has twelve faculties, listed below:
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Art and Design
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Mercator School of Management - Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Biology and Geography
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Medicine
Central scientific institutes
Center for nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CeNIDE)
German-french institute for automation and robotics (IAR)
Erwin L. Hahn institute for magnetic resonance imaging
Essen college of gender studies (EKfG)
Institute for experimental mathematics
Institute for east Asian sciences (IN-EAST)
Institute for advanced study in the humanities
Centre for logistics and transport (ZLV)
Centre for medical biotechnology (ZMB)
Centre for water and eviromenmental research (ZMU)
Center for empirical research in education (ZeB)
University Links
Members of the Faculty of Engineering
International Studies in Engineering
Computational Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Masters of Business Administration
Department of Chemistry: Water Science
Center of Microscale Ecosystems
Centre for Logistics & Traffic (ZLV)
Automotive Summer program
Centre of Information and Media Services (CIM or ZIM)
International Degree Programs
Office for Industrial Internships
International Studies in Engineering
Computational Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Masters of Business Administration
Department of Chemistry: Water Science
Center of Microscale Ecosystems
Centre for Logistics & Traffic (ZLV)
Automotive Summer program
Centre of Information and Media Services (CIM or ZIM)
International Degree Programs
Office for Industrial Internships